Blog Post


By Rab Boyce August 23, 2020
The Scottish Government receives many questions from users about the GERS publication. This video shows their summary of some of the most frequently asked questions they receive and their answers. Is GERS reliable? You decide...
By Rab Boyce January 6, 2020
Does Scotland get back less than it pays in?
By Rab Boyce January 4, 2020
Did Scotland create between 54% and 60% of the UK deficit in 2018-19?
By Rab Boyce August 21, 2019
Scotfact has updated its data visualisations to help you understand the figures.
By Rab Boyce August 23, 2018
The Scotfact GERS History Viewer allows users to see how the Revenue and Expenditure reported in GERS have changed over the last twenty years. 
By Rab Boyce June 26, 2018
To celebrate the first anniversary of its launch, I decided to give Scotfact a face-lift and (hopefully) make it even easier to navigate and expand.
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