ONS Regional Revenue 2018-19


According to the ONS, Total Public Revenue in the UK in 2018-19 was £811,347m. The region that raised the most was London with £161,918m with Northern Ireland raising the least at £18,487m Scotland raised £65,339m. The largest sources of Revenue were Income Tax (£192,526m), VAT (£151,470m) and National Insurance (£137,257m), followed by non-North Sea Corporation Tax (£55,606m).
Regional Revenue - ONS 2018-2019 (£m)
Category United Kingdom North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
Income tax 192,526 4,588 15,256 10,490 10,234 12,250 20,156 48,776 36,527 13,363 171,640 5,279 12,723 2,884
Capital gains tax 9,199 131 590 472 377 412 918 2,840 2,050 758 8,548 164 399 88
Miscellaneous taxes on income and wealth 760 30 83 63 55 68 71 102 104 64 640 36 62 22
Corporation tax (excl. North Sea) 55,606 1,139 4,454 3,311 2,657 3,562 4,225 18,445 8,031 4,091 49,915 1,369 3,467 855
Taxes on income and wealth paid by PCs -118 -4 -12 -9 -8 -10 -10 -19 -16 -11 -99 -5 -11 -3
Value added tax, of which: 151,470 5,716 15,940 12,286 10,272 11,902 14,095 22,269 22,491 12,780 127,751 6,741 12,656 4,322
Fuel duties 27,993 1,003 3,027 2,387 2,310 2,722 3,113 1,789 4,440 2,551 23,342 1,393 2,384 874
Business rates paid by market sector bodies 27,990 815 2,555 1,827 1,485 1,947 2,213 7,971 3,616 1,850 24,279 1,075 2,636 0
Stamp duty land tax 11,965 166 713 512 532 647 1,264 4,559 2,443 1,049 11,885 0 0 80
Land transaction tax 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 0 0
Land and buildings transaction tax 559 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 559 0
Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings 139 0 0 0 0 0 2 122 13 2 139 0 0 0
Stamp tax on shares 3,619 16 131 58 74 56 280 2,258 402 116 3,391 10 218 0
Tobacco duties 9,152 465 978 806 715 764 673 837 1,153 621 7,012 512 1,093 535
Alcohol duties 12,097 535 1,626 1,052 1,020 975 1,302 1,034 1,665 998 10,207 496 1,047 347
Vehicle excise duties paid by businesses 2,392 86 243 191 194 246 248 169 381 254 2,012 119 184 77
Air passenger duty 3,636 65 485 55 32 144 309 1,345 695 75 3,205 12 340 79
Insurance premium tax 6,309 194 685 517 458 538 672 795 1,064 560 5,483 274 402 150
Climate change levy 1,947 92 258 207 175 184 181 184 157 186 1,624 117 195 11
Environmental levies 7,494 319 516 568 773 828 377 798 1,111 654 5,944 354 1,062 134
EU ETS auction receipts 328 14 36 27 24 28 29 48 42 25 273 19 27 9
Betting and gaming duty 2,317 165 251 291 179 204 240 177 256 166 1,929 106 202 80
Landfill tax 653 34 83 55 54 80 104 37 97 70 614 0 0 39
Landfill disposals tax 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0
Scottish landfill tax 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 0
Aggregates levy 372 14 16 26 65 21 26 9 26 58 261 27 57 27
Northern Ireland regional non-domestic rates 436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 436
Apprenticeship Levy 85 1 6 4 5 7 7 33 12 4 79 2 3 1
Immigration Skills Charge 315 13 33 25 23 29 28 35 40 25 251 15 37 12
Other 8,881 312 798 651 491 638 776 2,149 1,244 657 7,716 321 645 199
Northern Ireland district non-domestic rates 415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 415
Bank Levy 2,496 84 224 191 94 158 88 961 178 156 2,134 70 240 52
Business rates paid by private sector non-profit institutions 467 16 49 35 29 37 43 153 69 36 467 0 0 0
Northern Ireland regional domestic rates 346 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 346
Northern Ireland district domestic rates 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234
Vehicle excise duties paid by households 4,359 154 443 343 335 419 461 359 705 448 3,667 217 343 132
TV Licence fees 3,227 133 357 279 235 279 305 392 433 281 2,694 157 287 89
Miscellaneous other Current taxes 557 22 60 45 39 48 51 74 75 46 460 25 44 28
Council tax 34,403 1,313 3,695 2,686 2,532 2,850 3,678 4,289 5,875 3,470 30,388 1,582 2,433 0
Taxes on capital 5,450 70 288 225 200 277 579 1,373 1,322 624 4,958 123 322 47
National Insurance Contributions 137,257 4,289 12,679 9,080 8,606 10,282 13,989 27,544 22,323 9,834 118,626 4,783 10,935 2,913
Gross operating surplus 52,884 2,267 3,188 3,795 3,993 3,577 4,782 5,951 8,579 6,296 42,428 2,631 5,487 2,338
Interest and dividends 24,054 841 3,814 2,933 1,675 2,181 1,369 3,050 2,603 1,285 19,751 950 2,880 473
Rent and other current transfers 5,454 192 535 394 333 413 468 1,010 790 439 4,574 232 486 162
Petroleum revenue tax - Geographic -744 -138 -10 -133 -30 0 -28 0 -17 -23 -379 0 -365 0
Offshore corporation tax - Geographic 1,884 83 6 80 18 0 17 0 10 14 228 0 1,656 0
North Sea oil royalties and license fees - Geographic 72 3 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 9 0 63 0
Total current receipts (incl. North Sea Oil & Gas revenues by geographic area) 811,347 25,238 74,079 55,828 50,256 58,763 77,102 161,918 130,989 63,873 698,046 29,475 65,339 18,487





The Real Terms calculations above are carried out using the HMT's deflator tables. There are a number of methods for measuring inflation, however when discussing public revenue and expenditure, typically the HMT's GDP deflator is used to calculate the real terms equivalent. We have provided an easy to use Calculator for your convenience here.

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