Data provided by the Scottish Parliament's open data initiative under the terms of the Open Scottish Parliament Licence v2.0. Some minor clean up is carried out to remove redundant HTML styling, otherwise the data is presented 'as is'.
Yes, you can can combine keywords using AND, OR and Parenthesis '()' to create complex queries in the search term box.
You can also use proximity searches using the <-> syntax. The default proximity (how close words are) is three, but you can override this using a number instead of the - symbol. e.g. "Whisky <4> exports" would return results with 'Whisky' and 'exports' within four words.
"Whisky <-> exports" AND "United States" will return results with 'whisky' and 'exports' within three words and include the literal phrase 'United States'.
Yes, the search performs a search based on word lexemes. E.g searching for 'exports' will return results containing 'exported' and 'exporting' in addition to 'exports' as they have the same root.
We hope this will make it easier to find what you are looking for.
We will soon be expanding the search feature to find similar terms, for example if you search 'EU' and 'European Union' will be found.
Yes - the format is YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2014-09-18
Yes, click on the notepad icon at the end of the Item of Business to view the whole debate. Please note that in FMQs, each individual question counts as a single Item of Business.