GERS Reserved Spending Explorer 2017-18


This page provides an interactive tool to explore the reserved expenditure numbers as presented in the Scottish Government's GERS publication.
This tool is intended for informational purposes only and is designed to aid in the understanding of how the GERS figures are arrived at and how much the areas of reserved expenditure contribute to the overall fiscal balance. The explorer allows the user to tweak the absolute values.

To modify a particular Expenditure item please click on the relevant section in the bar charts. You can then adjust the % allocation made under GERS (to a maximum of 200%).

We provide a reference sets of allocations to reset to the GERS 2017-2018 figures as calculated by the Scottish Government. You can reset to these values using the 'Reset to GERS 2017-18 button'.

Note: This explorer is not an economic model of an independent Scotland and makes no attempt to model the real world impact of changing individual revenue and expenditure line items on the Scottish economy.

Reserved:  £{{expenditureScotland[1][selectedExpenditureCategoryIndex].format(0,3)}}m (GERS:  {{expenditureScotlandGERS[selectedExpenditureCategoryIndex].format(0,3)}}m )
Devolved:  £{{expenditureScotland[0][selectedExpenditureCategoryIndex].format(0,3)}}m

Total Revenue: {{revenueSum.format(0,3)}}m
Total Expenditure: {{expenditureSum.format(0,3)}}m
Fiscal Balance:  {{balanceSum.format(0,3)}}m

User Changes:

  • {{}} was {{x.change}} by {{Math.abs(x.percentageReduction).format(0,3)}}% from £{{x.old.format(0,3)}}m to £{{,3)}}m
End of gersexplorerapp

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